Saturday, January 19, 2008


Fear of failure is an eternal flame
burning at my core.
I sought to try something different
was given a new chore.
Pilot light of pale blue fire
shimmers on memories of mistakes.

Kindling of deficiency bursts into flames.
Internal voices ignite arid wooden dreams.
Smoke clouds vague visions of victory.
Lack of confidence increases insecurity.
White-hot coals of stress cauterize creativity.

Combustion feeds on all my senses.
Reeking of burning skin
sweat leaks from brow and chin.
Heat of embarrassment flushes face.
Stoking the pyre makes heart race.
Searing steam seeps from eyes.
Voice melts to choking cries.

Blazing inferno consumes action
dimming success and satisfaction
Resolve dissolves into Hell,
Could not
Would not
Can not

Well-meaning friends offer comments meant to fortify.
"You can make it;
we have faith,
do your best and try."
Constructive criticism fans the embers of efficiency.

Poking the ashes of past achievements,
hope drips on the magma of immaturity,
courage surges over smoldering struggles
tenacity inundates enduring doubts.

Success settles on the victor.
Someone asks,
A Phoenix arises and begins once more,
Fear of failure is an eternal flame burning at my core.

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